Announcing The bTRI Liquidity Mining Program on BSC

2 min readJan 18, 2021

During our initial launch on BSC, we set aside 10% of the total bTRI supply as rewards for liquidity mining incentives.

Now, we are finally ready to kickstart the reward distribution with the launch of the Trinity farm. This means you’ll be able to earn bTRI by creating and staking your bTRI-BNB Pancake Swap LPs.

100,000 bTRI will be distributed as rewards for a total of 2.5 days.

As a bTRI holder, you’ll continue to receive passive yield from the trading volume as users buy and sell the token for farming.

Here are the full details:

  • Total rewards: 100,000 bTRI (total value: ~$14,000 USD)
  • Launch date: Wednesday, January 20th at 6PM UTC
  • End date: Monday, Jan 25, 6PM UTC
  • Duration: 2.5 days
  • Pools: bTRI-BNB Pancake Swap LP

In order to reduce price volatility, There will be a 48 hour lock on staked LPs from the launch time. This means you won’t be able to withdraw your staked LP tokens until Friday, January 22 at 6PM.

You’ll still be able to freely claim and sell your rewards at any time.


Starting Wednesday, January 20th at 6PM UTC, you’ll be able to stake bTRI-BNB CAKE LP tokens and earn bTRI as rewards. A total of 100,000 TRI will be distributed as rewards over the 2.5 day farming period.

Official bTRI Farm

Stay tuned!

